Having completed my bachelor studies in Psychology at the Panteion University of Athens, I acquired my Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from the Leiden University in The Netherlands.
After that, following a one-year seminar in Clinical Psychopathology at the Aiginiteio University Hospital of Athens, and an eight-month experiential workshop in AKMA, that first introduced me to the systemic view of being and relating, I decided to train as a systemic psychotherapist in Logo Psychis.
During this period, my therapeutic approach was developed based on the SANE model of the clinical training program, my personal therapy and further readings and research.
Having completed the psychotherapeutic training program, I embarked once again on a new educational journey. This time I opted to become a licensed couples therapist, once more in Logo Psychis. From that I graduated in 2018.
In the last years, I have attended and participated in a number of seminars and conferences, in Greece and abroad.